Toddler Art, Science, & More

At the YMCA we believe that toddlers learn through play in both their learning experiences and their environment.

Classes run in 7-week sessions. Classes may vary from session to session.

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Little STEAMers - Ages 3-5 (Formerly Little Scientists)

This class invites children to explore the wonders of science through a wide variety of hands on activities that are appropriate for little learners.

Toddler Art Zone - Ages 2-5

We will draw, paint, and build crafts. A great way for you, and your child to work together in this fun class.  

Toddler Music Mania! - Ages 2-5

Fun and exciting program that will focus on music exploration with toddlers and their parents! Utilizing songs, simple dances and toddler-friendly instruments. Children will experience music in a way that promotes language development, social skills, balance and coordination, and cognitive development.

Toddler Boot Camp - Ages 2-3

Through a range of developmentally appropriate activities, children are introduced to some of the fundamentals of sports and movement. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children.